About the ABRPTSO

ABRPTSO Meeting Dates

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Meetings (Second Wednesdays of the month at 7:00pm via Zoom)


Meeting Agenda & Minutes

September 11 2024 Agenda & Minutes

October 9, 2024 Agenda & Minutes

November 13, 2024 Agenda & Minutes

December 11, 2024 Agenda & Minutes

January 8, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

February 12, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

March 12, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

April 9, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

May 14, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

June 11, 2025 Agenda & Minutes

ABRPTSO Board (2024-2025)

Chair -

Secretary (Acting) Durga Nirgudkar

Treasurer Lin Zhang

Directories Priya Ramanan

Gardening Sunni Raney

Chatter Sarah Amorin

Volunteer Coordinators Open

Joint PTSO Liaison Soula Hatziliades 

Membership Lara Plaskon


8th Grade Dance Molly Wong

Nominations Open

Hospitality HS: Open

 JH: Mona Sharma

Webmaster Ruchi Jain

Project Graduation Open

HS Principal Joanie Dean

JHS Principal Jim Marcotte


The Regional PTSO includes parent representatives from the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School and RJ Grey Junior High School. Board members from both schools sponsor monthly meetings featuring a speaker from the school system, updates from both principals, and general discussion. We advertise these open meetings via email. Board members are elected for one year terms in May.

PTSO Bylaws

The ABRPTSO is set up as a 501(c)(3). See the 2020 PTSO Bylaws. The membership includes all JHS and HS parents and guardians of students, as well as all JHS and HS faculty, administrators, staff, and students.

Officers and Board

The officers are a Chairperson (or Co-chairs), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Steering Committee/Board of Directors includes the above officers, the JHS and HS principals and faculty representatives, and the chairpersons of the following: Directories, Gardening, Newcomer Welcome, Communications, Nominations, Inter-School Council Rep, School Committee Liaisons, Hospitality, Volunteer Coordinator, Membership, Webmaster and Forum Coordinator.

Four weeks prior to the Annual meeting, the Nominating chairperson will nominate members for the next year's board. The Nominating chairperson will publicly solicit candidates and then report these names at the meeting preceding the election. Prior to elections, a list of final nominees will go to all PTSO members for their consideration. Election of the new board will take place no later than May 31. Officers and Board Members assume office on July 1st and serve for the fiscal year.


The Steering Committee will also appoint a Budget Committee. The Budget Committee will consist of the present treasurer, 3 members at large, one member of the Steering Committee, and the Chairperson, ex officio.

A minimum balance as determined necessary by the Board shall be maintained at all times. All moneys in excess of that minimum shall be spent within 2 years time.

Non-budgeted expenditures under $100 shall be approved by the Chairperson. Those over $100 shall be approved by the Steering Committee.

The Board may vote at any monthly meeting to reallocate funds within the operating budget (not to total more than 5% of the annual budget). Those over 5% require information to be provided to the PTSO membership one month prior to the vote or reallocation.


The PTSO meets every month, with an annual business meeting, usually in May. The purpose of the May meeting is to elect officers and committee chairs, and approve the budget.

A quorum is the number of board members required to be present for a vote to occur. 2/3rd (67%) of the Board Committees shall constitute a quorum.

Quorum will be determined at the time of a vote based on the actual filled committee position in existence at that time.